Fully managed IT support implies entrusting the entire IT operations of an organization to a competent and professional third party. This third party is known as a managed service provider (MSP). It will oversee, monitor, supervise, and facilitate the smooth running of the IT operations and propose and implement changes whenever needed. The extent and level of its services are couched in a contract called a service-level agreement (SLA). MSPs charge a fixed fee against the rendered services as agreed upon in the SLA. 

Importance of Fully Managed IT Support

Fully managed IT support has proven its efficacy over time. Outsourcing IT operations to a competent third party with updated knowledge is a far better idea than working it through an on-demand maintenance service. As businesses become increasingly online and cloud-dependent, IT operations become more complex and intensive. Companies need to stay updated with technical information and infrastructure. Fully managed IT support will help you achieve that. It will also improve upon the service delivery and reduce costs in running of the business. 

Challenges Businesses Face in Managing Their IT System: 

Some of the common challenges a company has to say in managing its IT system are as follows; 


There is a genuine threat to any business’s data from within and outside the organization. This threat pertains to both online and offline data. Companies are going digital and using online storage options. These are all prone to attacks from hackers, so security is a big challenge facing the IT systems of any business. 

Requisite Skills

We are living in the age of specialization where skills reign supreme. Often, the current workforce of the business lacks modern technical knowledge and advancements. The organization either has to upgrade its employee’s existing skills through training, etc., or go for new hiring. 

Increasing Workload

It is another challenge the IT department faces in any business. There is a massive load of work because of increasing digitization. IT professionals complain that they get little or no time to train for the new IT skills and remain behind due to increasing workload. 

Budget Constraints

There is an abundance of IT systems and programs out there but their deployment requires time and money. While the IT department keeps asking for funds to implement new changes or train employees, the money is not always forthcoming. 

Data Management

Data footprint is increasing at an exponential speed. Its adequate storage, security, and challenge will be a big challenge for IT professionals in any organization. 

Pros and Cons of Employing a Service Provider for Fully Managed IT Support

Pros of Using a fully Managed IT Support

As with everything else, there are pros and cons attached to following a fully managed IT support program. Let’s first take a look at the pros of it below; 

  • EconomyA fully managed IT support program will cost you less than an on-demand IT support system. You pay a fixed fee to the service provider and buy his services until the expiry of the agreed-upon period.
  • No downtime – The constant monitoring by the service provider ensures that there are surprise breakdowns in the system. A proactive approach is followed in a fully managed IT support, and the fault is nipped in the bud. If a malfunction occurs, all efforts are directed to put everything back on track with minimal losses and downtime.
  • Security – The service provider protects your system from all sorts of attacks from within and outside the organization. It deploys effective security protocols and layered protections to keep the data safe from intruders.
  • Efficiency and Performance – The smooth functioning of the IT system will result in better performance and increased efficiency in the organization. Things will run smoothly when both the physical technology hardware and the accompanying software are up-to-date and adequate. 

Cons of Using a Fully Managed IT Support

Let’s now take a look at some of the drawbacks of fully managed IT support. 

  • Data privacy at risk – You allow unfettered access to a third party to your business’s operations, data, and possibly secrets. There is always this risk that this could compromise data’s security.
  • Over-dependence – You tend to become over-dependent on fully managed IT support. Even for little tasks, you might require the service provider’s assistance. Also, there will be no in-house training for your staff.
  • Lack of Communication – As an outsider, the service provider may not be readily available for instant communication of a problem or issue. The response might come later than you would like as the service provider will be engaged with many other businesses.
  • Industry Knowledge – While the service provider is an expert in its field, it may not know the nature of your business and the dynamics of the industry you work in. It might lead to situations where you have to spend hours explaining an issue peculiar to your business. 

Inclusions of a Fully Managed IT support

Following things are typically included in a fully managed IT support by the service provider; 

  • Help desk 
  • Proactive monitoring and maintenance 
  • Priority support 
  • Device management 
  • User management 
  • Security compliance 
  • Backup and disaster recovery 
  • Quick response time 
  • Proper documentation 
  • Reporting of issues 

NST: Your Partner in Solving Business IT Needs

As a leading IT solutions provider company in Australia, NST is both qualified and experienced to provide you with unmatched, fully managed IT support. We hope you will avail of our services. 

NST has offices in the big cities of Australia. You can visit the one that is closest to you. Please click here for our locations and get in touch with us.