In information technology, hardware and software provisioning is preparing and turning over assets such as physical equipment or access credentials to end users or clients, whether they are individual users or whole enterprises.

These hardware and software resources are used for computing, telecommunication, or networking, to enable users to deliver or receive services. If a user is given a login and a password to access a company’s system, we can say that they have been provisioned with system access.

Provisioning of IT assets and resources includes configuration, deployment, and management. The IT or HR department usually implements the provisioning process and ensures that the access rights are distributed among customers and employees. These departments also collaborate to ensure that privacy and data security are uncompromised.

Why Is Hardware and Software Provisioning Necessary?

For any organization, provisioning is a major undertaking to ensure the efficient delivery of services. Here are some key reasons:

  • It increases the efficiency of an organization’s operations.
  • The employees have a better and clear understanding of the organization’s IT resources and assets.
  • It helps in assigning tasks, distributing responsibilities, and defining duties for everyone.
  • Data recovery is easy in case of a disaster.
  • It encourages automation.

Implementing Hardware and Software Provisioning

Hardware and software Provisioning is part of a larger project and can be broadly categorized into the following three categories:

Audit asset management

This first step in hardware and software provisioning means physically checking both tangible and intangible assets – from equipment to systems, to software, and service delivery mechanisms. It can be performed by the organization’s own internal auditors or by external auditors. The difference with this audit from regular processes is that it is mainly concerned with the efficacy and lifecycles of assets and resources.

Typically, every asset comes with an expiry date, and it is not very hard to ascertain either. The manufacturer provides it or you can ask for it by calling them. The software has an expiry, too. The service agreement is for a limited period, and the maker reminds you of renewal or upgrades before the expiry. The purpose of this whole exercise is to find out which assets have become outdated and need to be replaced, renewed, or exchanged.

Asset Lifecycle Management

Every asset or resource has a fixed lifespan. One day it outlives its utility and needs to be changed. It is called asset lifecycle and starts from planning to asset acquisition and ends with its disposal. Between these two extremes are the optimization of the asset’s functions to make it most productive.

By going through this process, we take stock of the current state of the assets. If they need maintenance, we highlight this and take corrective measures. If they are nearing their shelf life, we recommend their appropriate disposal to make way for the new asset. The effective management of the asset’s lifecycle makes them last longer, perform optimally, and be more productive.


In this final stage of hardware and software provisioning, we provide the organisation with the hardware and software resources needed for its efficient operations. Timing is key in this phase, the primary purpose being to take proactive and preventive actions before the assets break down.

Service Excellence at Competitive Prices

NST is a premier technology solutions provider firm that delivers hardware and software provisioning services and all its allied functions. We can objectively recommend the best brands that met industry standards. To learn how you can benefit from hardware and software provisioning, contact us today or visit our office closest to you in Melbourne, Sydney, or Perth.