We have come far in human communication, from the technology invented by Alexander Graham Bell in 1885 to the managed voice systems of today. Communications has turned into an intricate network of interconnected devices that work wirelessly. This complex system brings with it a lot of promises and a steep learning curve.

But which communication technologies should we retain and which ones should we let go?

Landline Telephony

The modern world faces such a dilemma when it comes to the use of landlines. While this system is outdated with the advent of modern communications systems, it continues to persist even after nearly 150 years of its invention.

What makes a landline still relevant in this day and age is its reliability for business. Not only does a landline provide a business with an official phone number, it also gives it a certain credibility. A landline number is used collectively by a company, often by employees working in shifts, giving it a stronger presence and reliability as a business tool. Above all, landlines have their own source of power and will still work during blackouts. Meanwhile, a cellphone is still largely a personal number.

What is Managed Voice?

On the other hand, we have the Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP), also known as Managed Voice. This technology uses the internet to provide telephony services. A VOIP connects a telephone with an ethernet cable or even wirelessly. It can then use the internet to call other VOIP lines, cellular networks or landlines and transmit voices. To connect to different cellular networks or landlines, the system bounces through different networks, slowing the transmission and possibly increasing the costs.

A VOIP service, when bought in bulk, might cost more than a traditional landline service. However, the added benefits of being able to connect to other landlines across the globe, to different media such as Skype and Viber, and to cellular networks virtually anywhere across the world, gives it far more versatility than landlines.

Landline vs VOIP

While a landline might seem like a cheaper alternative for businesses dealing with only local clients, VOIP will prove to be the cheaper solution in the long run especially if the business deals globally. This is the reason small and medium businesses (SMB) prefer VOIP as their primary medium of customer support.

Since most of the modern offices and households have wi-fi coverage through some form of internet plan, setting up a VOIP phone becomes far easier than getting a landline.

Benefits of VOIP for Businesses

SMBs can vastly benefit from using VOIP, being not only easier to set up than landlines but also allowing the use of cellphones using the same VOIP channel and providing greater mobility.

VOIPs enable video conferencing and other enhanced functionalities, at a 90 percent lower rate than international landline calls. A VOIP connection provides an unlimited number of lines, enabling the use of an expansive customer service center with just one connection.

Considerations to Managed Voice Services

One downside to VOIPs is their high exposure to security risks, as hackers sniff into voice data packets to steal business information.

Because managed voice systems are dependent on internet connection and electricity, you might be left with a system that does not work during a storm, blackout, and other disasters. Above all, like all other internet-related services, this will suffer from low internet speeds, speed fluctuations and other common internet problems.

Lastly, a VOIP system is heavily dependent on the software it uses. Poor-quality software may cause some issues, compromising the quality of the audio and video, and making it a less efficient system than the landlines.

Experience and Know-how

Are you looking to adopt newer managed voice technology for your business? Consult a trusted and experienced managed voice specialist to help you find out which system best fits your business. Contact us today to learn more how managed voice systems can benefit your company.